May 13, 2020
I was working on adding logs into elastic search from one of our micro API projects. I learned a little bit, that I'll probably forget when I'll deal with this next time. So, I'll write it here.
git clone
cd .\docker-elk\
docker-compose up
And read for further details.
before actual werver will start, but I find it too cumbersome. If server didn't started, we will figure it out by not seing swagger page or by errors from other service, that consume this api.This is probably too much info for such easy topic, but I might find it usefull some day later and - hey - I'm blogging again!😊
January 11, 2020
I started to participate in Advent of code 2020. First couple tasks were easy, but after a while it keep getting harder and took more time, that I can manage on average december day. Today is 8 day and I done only 14 of them and want to share one bug, that I did found solving last one. I am pretty familiar with bitwise operators, espacially shift:
1 << 1; //result it 2 (bin: 10) 1 << 3; //result it 8 (bin: 1000)
However, in day 14 bitmask is 36 bit length. If you shift too much, it should be cut. Alright, I thought, lets use unsined 64-bit integers.
ulong a = 1 << 32;
Because currently I dont have a debugger1, and it worked flawlessly with smaller values, I havent noticed an error here. Documentation said
Because the shift operators are defined only for the int, uint, long, and ulong types, the result of an operation always contains at least 32 bits and I naturally assumed, that if I define left hand operand as 64bit, then result would be also 64. That was correct, but before it
VS Code support for M1 macs is incomplete, as I'm afraid, until .net 6 😣↩
January 9, 2020
sudo lsof /Volumes/2cent/
this shows disk activity. Today external disk drive refused to be ejected, Finder showed error that disk is still in use. lsof
shows that many mds_store
processes occupied it. kill
and then turning off spotlight fixed this issue.
December 30, 2019
I knew about git hooks, but never actually used them. The first and obvious thing, that I could imagine — add branch name to git commit message. .git\hooks\
contain nice examples to start, but I was taken aback by amount of bash scripting, that is required. And, more importantly, it seems that it never works properly — neither Sourcetree or fork.git client were showing changes. However, after commit pre_commit_message hook was actually executed and branch name was inserted correctly. Examples like this should work flawlessly to my purpose. And I need to learn bash too 😶
Apparently, branching workflow, that we use at work, has a name. It's called gitflow (insert link), and it is used in many projects and even in our teams is proved as very convenient and easy solution. It is well described here and I can only describe one difference in how we use it: usually we do not merge release branch back to development (as well as hotfixes). All changes for current release accumulates in release branch, then we merge to master and only after deployment merge it back. 1 There is no harm to not merge release back into dev (as well as every hotfix), but it can be overlook and forgotten, but during deployment process it's just one step in list of instructions.
The only exception — when release contain new migration, then it should be merged asap. Then I would be better to add migration to feature branch (even is feature is already merged to development and release) and, merge feature branch to development and release branch accordingly↩
December 17, 2019
It's time for another blog update. I want to move some jobyjob projects to new .net LTS version, so it would be a good to practice update this fairy simply blog. Mostly everything went well by this post and official documentation.
But problem appeared with using libgit2sharp. By default, docker images using debian 10, with contain libgit2 version, that is incomparable with libgit2sharp nuget package, that I use to update posts. Solution was to switch base docker image tag to 3.1-bionic, with means to use ubuntu underneath.
Despite that solution is simple, it took some time to resolve it. Mostly because I need to sleep more to think quicker 🥱, but also any issue is a good reason to do refactoring and write tests. In my case, I added simple Result
class instead of bool (or void) to define function execution result and log errors, if needed.
upd: I also revisited project structure, renamed some files, deleted others. I.e., I thought, that I dont need solution file - it looks like belong to "grownup" Visual Studio, while I use Code and mac anyway. But after all cleaning, OmniSharp stopped working - solution file was required. To put it back and add both projects:
dotnet new sln -n hysite
dotnet sln hysite.sln add Hysite.Web/hysite.csproj Hysite.Tests/tests.csproj
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