December 17, 2019
It's time for another blog update. I want to move some jobyjob projects to new .net LTS version, so it would be a good to practice update this fairy simply blog. Mostly everything went well by this post and official documentation.
But problem appeared with using libgit2sharp. By default, docker images using debian 10, with contain libgit2 version, that is incomparable with libgit2sharp nuget package, that I use to update posts. Solution was to switch base docker image tag to 3.1-bionic, with means to use ubuntu underneath.
Despite that solution is simple, it took some time to resolve it. Mostly because I need to sleep more to think quicker 🥱, but also any issue is a good reason to do refactoring and write tests. In my case, I added simple Result
class instead of bool (or void) to define function execution result and log errors, if needed.
upd: I also revisited project structure, renamed some files, deleted others. I.e., I thought, that I dont need solution file - it looks like belong to "grownup" Visual Studio, while I use Code and mac anyway. But after all cleaning, OmniSharp stopped working - solution file was required. To put it back and add both projects:
dotnet new sln -n hysite
dotnet sln hysite.sln add Hysite.Web/hysite.csproj Hysite.Tests/tests.csproj